Wednesday, December 2, 2009

'Tis the Season to be Merry!

Hi everyone! Ok, last time, I ranted on life so far...but, I haven't mentioned on Christmas shopping! Who could forget that??? I got everyone on my list done before Black Friday (and thank GOD for that--All the things I wanted to get would have been gone by now if I waited till then) and I just have to wrap them up. Then, I have to get Christmas cards to mail out to friends far and near and candy canes for work. Instead of getting tickets for WWE during this month, I'll wait till a bit while before getting them. I am, however, going to CreationCon in July with a friend of mine and I'm excited for that.

Anyhoo, what else to blog about???? Oh, right--movies!!!!!!! Ok, from the last post, I was able to give out what I wanted to go see...well, here's what I saw recently:

-Ninja: NO, it's not Ninja Assassin, though it could very well be similar to that. It was an ok movie, if you ask me; I'm such an adrenaline junkie for movies that it's not funny.
-GI Joe: Rise of Cobra: LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!! Ray Park as Snake Eyes...enough said. This movie rocked!!!!! And it still does!
-Julie and Julia: Read the book and it was funny to read. Seeing the movie makes it even better. Something to look forward to after a rough day and being inspired to keep writing.

Next on the list of movies I have:
-Star Trek (Great movie! Karl Urban as McCoy screams out fandom!!!! Besides Chris Pine)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lost of time and Catching up to it

Hey, my fellow bloggers! Sorry for not being able to get back for a while. Been real busy with two jobs now (yes, I got myself two for the hell of it), getting out of a relationship that left a nasty after taste (but we're still friends, my last muse and I), and dealing with new changes in my life (such as my cutting my hair short to where everyone LOVES it, hitting up some bars with my friends every now and then, etc.). So, you will be happy to know that I have NOT gone under with my taste in writing; in fact, I have just started to work on my fan fiction stories again, this time I'm working on a WWE one entitled "A Run for his Money", which is a Chris Jericho/OC shipper. You can look it up on here: It's the first story that you'll find on the list of stories if you're interested.

Anyhoo, I'm tempted to say that one of my jobs really stresses me out the most nowadays, seeing that people do not know how to do things properly without getting their asses handed to them while that's on the line (pardon my's just that it has been repressed for quite some time and I apologize in advance if I continue on this rant for the rest of this blog). One particular thing that I hate about working at this job is that two of my managers are "supposedly" hooking up with each other even though they're both in a relationship with someone else...i dunno if that's true, but I'm not going to want to know that in person either, so I leave it at that. I mean, they're both good at what they do (one of them is a pastry chef and the other good mad good food when he doesn't burn them), but they can be a pain as well (well, I can understand the pastry chef, since she's my boss, but the other one makes it look like slavery when he orders us to do things he could do about being lazy). And, to make it even worse, we're losing good people at the night shift all for stupid reasons...and I'm among the small few that have been there for over 6 months...tell me what's wrong with that.

Thankfully, that's where my second job helps with the stress. See, I'm doing seasonal over at Bath and Body Works and the people there are mad NICE and do their jobs right. They obviously know what they're doing and so forth and it's refreshing when I come into work on the weekends. The person that hired me is awesome and her daughter attended the same high school as I did (but graduated five years before). All of my managers are friendly and are able to help me out...what's even better is that I have two friends from college that work alongside with me and that makes my day even better knowing that I'm not alone. I've made some new friends while working at BBW and it's a neat job. I hope and pray that BBW allows me to stay on after the holiday season (which ends in February after Valentine's Day) and keep me as part-time (or even full-time, it doesn't matter). What differs this job from the other one is the benefits and college reimbursement. I was told that the first job (over at the college I graduated from) doesn't pay for their employee's education...which sucks! I mean, I want to get my Master's and whatnot, but they can't pay for me? WTF?! So, BBW does and has a good benefits program, so I'm praying to High Heavens that I get asked to stay on.

As for relationships...well, let's just say that the ex and I are still talking (which is good), though it was rough in the beginning where I was still crazy for him. I still do on some days, but not as much as it was in the beginning. I still wonder as to why he broke up with me, but then again...we all can fall "in" or "out" of love just as we like or dislike certain music/movie genres. It's inevitable. Nothing to do with that. On the good side of it, both families still like the other person very much. It was sad when my folks heard what happened, but they still welcome my ex to come over for dinner and hang out while he's in New York and vice versa with his family and me coming over to visit Connecticut. For now, I'm still single and on the "market" as we all might call it. But...and there's a BUT in this thought...I have been hanging out with a few guys as of late and I might have decided on taking it to the next step with one of them...not sure if it'll work to my liking, but we'll take it one day at a time.

To wrap up this post, instead of a poem, I got something else in mind...

The following movies that I wanna go see this holiday season and in 2010:
-New Moon-->(1/8/10: Saw it and it was really good)
-Ninja Assassin-->(1/8/10: Saw it and it was fantastic!)
-The Princess and the Frog (I wanna go see that with Ally)
-The Lovely Bones (was surprised that they're making the movie after a good book I read in High School)
-Sherlock Holmes (praying that it's not a bust, but the trailer makes it look REALLY GOOD)-->(1/8/10: OK, RDJ has my stamp of approval. He made it work)
-Dear John (a romance movie, but I wanna give it a shot)
-Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (oooo, this is a must-see for those into Greek Mythology)
-Alice in Wonderland (heard about this when Johnny Depp got cast as the Mad Hatter...)
-Green Zone (another of Matt Damon's international spy movies...he's so good at them!)
-Clash of the Titans (another Greek Mythology this the year of great Greek Mythology movies????)
-Iron Man 2 (YES!!!! Sequel to the first one, which was kick ASS!!!!)
-Prince of Persia (Yet another video game movie *praying that it won't suck*)
-Toy Story 3 (ok, I was a kid when the first one came out...wanna see how this one is)
-Footloose (ok didn't see the original, but it's got Chace in it...he's so HOT!)

That's all that I could see from IMDB. Hope to write another blog before the new year.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

As the day gets hotter and humid...

So does the chances of my typing down my latest entry in this blog. I apologize for not being on as of late, due to the weather taking my brain and melting it to the smallest morsel of what could be the latest of my current job-hunting thus far. Not too many jobs are hiring, and if so, not in the field of profession that I am looking for. So, I humbly ask that if you know a place that is in dire need of a copy editor or someone to ghost write for them, please let me know.

Moving right along, the next order of business is of a personal note: NEVER try to make friends with people from craiglist...sure it has its moments as getting an apartment or getting a valuable antique item...but try not to go and meet people on that site. Last night was one of the most awkward moments in my entire life, as it was made repeatedly said to myself that I would NEVER do something like that ever again. You know, as the saying goes: "Nice guys finish last"...well, let's just say that one of them was nice...but maybe too nice to even make me want to hang out with him again. I have this tendency of trying very hard to not criticize on a particular person, place, or thing (even details, I might add now); but this guy was a piece of work...not only was it very hard for me to try and talk to him, it was even more awkward to have him initiate ANYTHING...and usually, I'm the one that's in for a surprise. However, this experience left me saying "I'll never do anything like this again" repeatedly as I drove home last night.

On the next order of business, I've been brought up with a serious current bf brought up that, next summer, if he were to work with his father, the chances of us seeing each other would come down to a non-existent level. I mean, and I'm pretty sure he'll read this later on, I love him very much and I'll lay down everything for him in order to be with him...but with this thought, I guess you can say that this might tear my hearts into the morsel pieces on a far worse level than I can ever remember. I really don't want that to happen, and yet I find it sad that this might come true. He presented an opinion: we could work this out throughout the year he's at school and we'll work out what will happen when the time comes. Which, to translate, would lead to breaking up with me. In all honesty, I don't want that option to ever come true. I want to be with him so much, the very thought of us breaking up is too severe for this poor soul. I just want to tell him that, even though I trust him and back up anything he tells me he sets his heart to, this is one decision that I have to tell him that I don't like and back up for him. So, sweetie...if you're reading this post...I really don't want us to break up or not being able to see each other. You make me feel all the more special to be with and you make me smile as I think of you, or even hear your name...among other things. And I'm sure that you understand why I say this.

To end this post, I have something new to give to you all. And on that note, may your day be bright as these 'words by the soul' help guide you throughout your day.
Closing my eyes, I search out to find the luminous shine
whom I call love. And, in this somber chasm of despair,
I learn that not all is weighed in gold, but what we value
as gold itself. The virtious truth of love is dissonant, as very
few are able to achieve such an accomplishment in their
duration, and vast have tried to seek this rare treasure
and have died in the shallow of their dejection.

As I reopen my eyes, there you stand: the very aim
of this ode of lust and yearning. I reach out to grasp
the very soul that has captured my very fiber of vitality,
and yet you step back with a look of melacholy in your eyes.
I try again, only to have futile results and it comes
to settle a deep, hallow shell of doubt and hesitation that
could only mean the very destruction of this trust and bond...

But, as you open your mouth and words of encouragement
bound out of it, you reach out and touch the tears
of my sorrow and kiss away all thoughts of abandonment.
I am embraced with a warmth that could only come from you,
as you whisper that you long to be with me for lifetimes beyound
this very one. I close my eyes again and find the shine that
was amissed...the one whom I call love.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Just Ranting for today (Part 2)

Hmmmm, I know that the last post was a little...well, 'short' to whet my appetite. So, this post is Part two, since I wanted to continue from the last time.

Right now, my lovely neighbors next door to me are just plain...'bums', for lack of a better term to describe them. One of them is cursing his brains off because of the other players on the multi-player round on "Call of Duty: World at War" while the other is just playing on "Diablo II". Not that they're bad people; it's just rather annoying that--sorry, my neighbor that was playing "Diablo II" just came over to my sancantary to figure out what song I was currently playing. But, that's going off topic from what I wanted to talk about.

If I don't post for another day or so, that's because of me being tired enough to where I'm out by 3-4 pm each time I wake up earlier than I had plan on doing so. Believe me, going to the beach early each time I'm expecting to be up there at a certain time isn't something that I'm used to nowadays...the only time I did this was when I was working on papers due that day during college. Guess you can say that I'm very...well, for the lack of better words, I'm not an early bird like I used to be when I was younger. I prefer the night time and being able to get some work done during the night hours is simply better for me that way nowadays.

Ok, now that I got that off my chest, another thing I have to get off my shoulders is that my car is going to be very temperamental if I don't get the oil checked soon and I'm still looking for a place where to go without spending too much money. What else? The fact that I'm one of two females where I live and I have to constantly avoid people that seem to have their panties in a twist on more than one occassion at a span of a day or more...yeah, no one would want to be in that scenerio...especially during which both females are at 'that time of the month'...very scary if they woke up at a ungodly hour in order to get to work and has stress added onto their already stressed-out shoulders--why I bring this up, you might ask? Well, that was me yesterday morning and I was NOT a happy camper at all yesterday.

Well, I'm going to end this post with an excerpt from one of my works, which I'm pretty sure that you missed in the last couple of posts. So, until next time, may your journey throughout the day be blessed and may these words by the soul linger with you:

He has the eyes of unblemished steel,
piercing through my soul and beyond
all known barriers I have put up.
His hair the color of a double
chocolate mocha latte, smooth
as silk and gives off a small
gleam of brightness. His physique--
one could only imagine the way
his muscles roll in our passionate
lovemaking. His hands, while coarse,
gives off shivers untold all over
my light caramel skin.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Just Ranting for Today...(Part 1)

For the record, I don't mind going off topic as far as what tickles a fancy with me. For instance, ever felt that you were the odd ball out in your family, always the one that seems to remember more details to certain details than most of everyone else you know of??? If so, then I can sympathize with you on that note. But, that only seems so every once in a blue moon in my case, so I will not go into further detail than what is necessary.

What else to rant on? Oh, I went to the mall and they were doing interviews for the opening of a new store and there were a LOT of women lining up for this new store, so that must be exciting to see every now and then, as far as the economy goes. Bought myself a copy of the book version of "The Jane Austen Book Club" and I have to say that there's a lot that was not in the movie that I rather enjoy. Karen Joy Fowler will probably end up being on the list of favorite authors in a short bit, since I'm just about finished with the book. Not that many authors that have penned romance novels have caught my eye, since I am more of the science-fiction/fantasy type of reader, with the occassional historic and action-filled novels here and there. I guess you would probably see me either reading Steve Berry's novels or even one of Anne Rice's books. But, if you were to see me, I might go for Jane Austen or even Charlotte Bronte; both authors are very classic in the English department and I enjoy "Jane Eyre" as much as Austen's novels: however, I have not been privilged to have read "Northanger Abbey", though that's among the list of books that I have to still read before I pass on from this world.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"Jane Austen Book Club" and Romance

Hi everyone, sorry for not being on for the last couple of days. So, title says it of my new fasinations is a movie called "The Jane Austen Book Club" with Maria Bello and Hugh Dancy. This movie revolves around these six people that read all of Austen's novels, such as "Pride and Prejudice", "Sense and Sensiblity", "Mansfield Park", "Emma", "Persuasion", and "Northanger Alley". As they go through each novel, they undergo obstacles in daily life. I guess you can say that I definitely say that I truly understand what each character in the movie goes through in order to achieve the creme de la coup that they end up in at the end of the movie. Definitely should watch it if you're a fan of Jane Austen.

Which leads into the next part of the title, romance. I was away at my boyfriend's place for the past weekend and I had fun. What can I say about the man that really, truly connects to me in every aspect that I look for in a man? He's funny, really sweet to me, and I think that he might be the one that I like to see with me in the next five years and possibly more than that. Even as I type out this entry, I can't help but smile as I recall this past weekend while at Six Flags with him. Of course, he had never seen me in a fact, none of my ex-boyfriends has seen me in a bikini, I guess my current boyfriend's the lucky one. I had a lot of fun that day and I can't help but begin to question myself as to how I was blessed with an understanding young man that's very open to new things, especially when it comes to some roller coasters that might take a while to get a hang of. seems that I have nothing else to say. But, I feel that I wanna keep at it while I'm still ahead of myself. I guess I could add more of my poem, "Lust", into this entry as a farewell to all of you:

"You whisper steamy nothings/into my ears; your voice stirs the/pit of my
core, filling with honey/to hot tea and singing/my flesh beyond any recognition.

"As if waking from a dream,/this undeniable secret cannot go/to the next
step; my heart strumming/to a sad guitar tune, never fulfilling/the smoldering
desire of lust and sin."

Until next time, my fellow inspired readers, safe journey to wherever you go and may these words by the soul linger in your minds as you go about your day.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Introduction to "Words By The Soul"

Where to start? I guess I should, since this is the first blog, tell you what I do. I’m a recent graduate from Adelphi University with a Bachelor’s in Creative Writing. All my life, I guess you can say that writing’s been one of those stress busters that I took with me from a muse of a friend in High School and it helped mold into what I can call my ‘Writing Streak’. Since then, I have created tons and tons of fan fiction, where a fan writes his or her version of how a movie, book, etc. would turn out in their mind’s eye. To me, it has always been the passion of writing a book, or even a screenplay, and having my name out there in the public to see and bask in my glory. But, that’s a dream that most writers, whether young or old, wish to occur in their lives; some have been able to achieve that goal, while others are whisked away from their dreams by reality when real life sinks in.

I started to write when I was about ten years old, just writing on a mystery story that is very childish as I re-read the copy I still have. Of course, my only feedback was from a principal at the elementary school that I attended. Then I took a three-year leave of absence from writing, just not really sure if that was the path I wanted to take at the time. I started it up again the summer before high school, at which time was when I felt the most angst in the sense that I probably would gladly say that it was a small phase of being a thirteen-year-old, teenage daughter of an Asian city detective and an Irish/German nurse that could do it for me. At that point, I had penned a play that, if I ever find that only copy, I’d try to make it into a short story more than a dramatic play.

It wasn’t until I met Victoria (I’m using this name only to protect the actual person responsible for my molding into a writer) in High School that writing would become a necessity throughout my High School, eventually in College as well, career. She had gotten me into the world of fan fiction and that is what got me into writing. Of course, the one other person involved with my being crafted into a writer, would be credited to my father. If he hadn’t gotten me into reading books that have, and continue to fascinate me to this day, helped shaped my outlook into the world of fiction, I probably would have no idea what I’d be doing now.

Flash forward to the present day, and here I am, now at the start of being only 21 and my life has never been better. Of course, this would only mean that I have to keep on writing in order to get my name across any newspaper, magazine, or even on a website so that I can achieve the success of being a writer in today’s society. To end this post, I think I can leave you all to read an excerpt from one of my poems that I had to do for my poetry class this past spring semester. It is entitled “Lust” and it is inspired by my amazing boyfriend, who, at the time of my coming up with this poem, gave me a lot to work with. So, on that note, my fellow bloggers, may you seek a safe journey as you go about your day and may these words by the soul linger in your minds, hearts and souls:

"Caressing my hot flesh, your scintillate fingers/emits
shivers and sighs up and down,/like electricity, shocking every nerve/to
have me succumb to your touch,/lighting my eyes with a certain desire.

"Your lips leave a hot searing trail
in their wake,/hotwiring a sensation that has never been/at its peak before,
bringing a wave/to send me crashing through the foam,/leaving me lost inside