Hi everyone! Ok, last time, I ranted on life so far...but, I haven't mentioned on Christmas shopping! Who could forget that??? I got everyone on my list done before Black Friday (and thank GOD for that--All the things I wanted to get would have been gone by now if I waited till then) and I just have to wrap them up. Then, I have to get Christmas cards to mail out to friends far and near and candy canes for work. Instead of getting tickets for WWE during this month, I'll wait till a bit while before getting them. I am, however, going to CreationCon in July with a friend of mine and I'm excited for that.
Anyhoo, what else to blog about???? Oh, right--movies!!!!!!! Ok, from the last post, I was able to give out what I wanted to go see...well, here's what I saw recently:
-Ninja: NO, it's not Ninja Assassin, though it could very well be similar to that. It was an ok movie, if you ask me; I'm such an adrenaline junkie for movies that it's not funny.
-GI Joe: Rise of Cobra: LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!! Ray Park as Snake Eyes...enough said. This movie rocked!!!!! And it still does!
-Julie and Julia: Read the book and it was funny to read. Seeing the movie makes it even better. Something to look forward to after a rough day and being inspired to keep writing.
Next on the list of movies I have:
-Star Trek (Great movie! Karl Urban as McCoy screams out fandom!!!! Besides Chris Pine)