Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Catching Up on Things...Bringing in the New Year

OK, first post of the new year, yay...note the sarcasm. What can I say? There has been a lot on my mind and I feel that I should probably make it a resolution to be on here a little bit more and broadcast my thoughts so that I don't end up having a mental breakdown due to all of that being bottled up. SO...

Where did I leave you all off last time? Oh, that's right: It was just around Thanksgiving. Anyway, my muse is now single (which is quite interesting, seeing that he has always been on my mind--even if I'm preoccupied with 'something else') and I have come to the conclusion that I want that to work out for both of us, in the sense of being able to see where our relationship goes once we meet in person--yes, we haven't met face to face yet, but we have been able to talk on Skype, on AIM, on the phone, etc. Personally, I am a little nervous because not only is he sweet and funny...but he's good looking too. I worry that he might take one good look at me and say that he changed his mind about meeting me and leave. That was the case a few months back--now, I just am a little nervous, that's all...call it a 'regular case of nerves', if you like.

What else to talk about? Hmm...now I'm stumped, and I usually have something to talk about once I get a post running...geesh, I might be getting old, lol.